Contact us to schedule appointment today. We are located in Union City, NJ.
Phone : (201) 865-8660
Fax : (201) 865-0971
We have tow headquarters in Brooklyn NY too. Visit our web site
Get in touch filling the following form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
All your comments, suggestions and or questions are welcomed
Haz tu cita ahora mismo:
Nuestro equipo de colaboradores está atento a recibir tus solicitudes y requerimientos. Estamos ubicados sobre la Bergenline Ave en Union City Nueva Jersey, justo frente a la Gran Manzana.
Teléfono : (201) 865-8660
Fax : (201) 865-0971
Para tu mayor comodidad, también tenemos dos sedes en Brooklyn, NY. Visítanos nuestro sitio web para más información
Conoce Nuestro Equipo
Buscamos atender tus necesidades porque tus necesidades visualesson nuestra prioridad
Dr. Adolphus Anosike
Founder & CEO
Dr. Anosike graduated from the New England College of Optometry in 1985. He works in Union City, NJ and specializes in Optometry.
Eye Examination Center
Eye Examination Center
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.
Eye Examination Center
Eye Examination Center
Include a short bio with an interesting fact about the person.